I have been sewing up a storm of little girl dresses around here lately. Luckily I have lots of little models that are all too happy to reap the rewards of my labors.
UPDATE: You can now purchase the Infinite A-line Dress Pattern here!
The reason I’ve been burning all this midnight oil is due to the upcoming release my first PDF sewing pattern!
I’ve had this little girl dress pattern idea swirling in my head for about a year and my ONE New Year’s Resolution for this year was to get this thing designed and released.
I’m happy to say that I’m getting close! Nothing like the deadline of having another baby to get you moving towards your goals.
I’ve still got quite a bit of work to do but I’m thrilled with the early results. And so are my girls, apparently.
Little hams.
I’m especially excited about the many, many variations that this pattern will include. I’m a total cheapskate and have a hard time paying for a different pattern every time I want to make my girls something new and unique.
This pattern, I can guarantee, will please even the cheapest of sewists 🙂
I can’t wait to have it all ready for sale! (UPDATE – Here it is!! Snag your copy of the Inifinite A-line Dress PDF Pattern.)
P.S. If you’ve ever been interested in creating your own PDF patterns, check out Pattern Workshop’s online class (see button in my sidebar or click here). It is a fantastic class, packed with tons of info and videos to help you through everything from design sketch to pattern release!
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