Looking for a simple and easy way to care for the environment this Earth Day? How about some family gardening and stocking up on eco-friendly disposable products?
This post is sponsored by Albertsons. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Earth Day is coming up, this April 22! It seems that we’d all like to do more for our planet, but without giving up the conveniences of modern living. Albertsons offers a great solution with their affordable Open Nature® Earth Day Box! Find more details and locate your local store below.
Disposable paper and plastic products are one thing that I’m not willing to give up to run a busy household, but I’m also not thrilled with the idea of our family’s garbage languishing in a landfill for generations. #momguilt
These Open Nature products are the perfect compromise: earth friendly and some (plates, cups, bowls, trash bags and more) are BPI certified compostable.* So even if you’ve got a crazy bunch of kids to feed and care for, you can feel good about doing what you should for the Earth too.
One of my favorite products are the Open Nature Bamboo Paper Towels. Not only is bamboo super environmentally friendly (it grows incredibly fast!) but these towels can be rinsed out and reused up to 100 times! We regularly go through a TON of paper towels, so being able to use a single one of these 6-7 times in a day is amazing! They’re also really soft, which I’m sure Alice’s messy face appreciates.
A home garden is a great way to save money while feeding your family and we’re super excited to start one this spring in our new house! We’ve had some success with starting fruit and flower seedlings in our kitchen and the kids are really looking forward to transplanting.
Family Friendly Gardening Tips
- As mentioned above, it’s easiest to involve kids in a garden if you start seedlings indoors. It’s more convenient to check on the plants daily and you can supervise kids and their tendency toward overzealous watering 🙂
- Leave plenty of time and room for transplanting. Kids like to try to cram lots of stuff in a small space and to rush through it, so it’s important to help them read seed packets and learn about proper distances between plants.
- Don’t forget to label! Using a new paint stick (the plain wood ones from the hardware store), write the name of the plant on it in permanent marker and stick it in the ground near the seedling.
- Encourage regular watering and weeding. This is easiest if the garden is someplace that the family sees and visits regularly. If not, try leaving yourself a reminder on your phone daily at first (semi-weekly should be enough after plants are established) so you don’t forget!
- Remind kids that consistency is key and help them understand that not all plants thrive at first. It took us a full season to figure out what worked best for our soil and climate but now the kids love gardening!
Remember, these Open Nature products are only available at Albertsons; our old house was right around the corner from our closest store and I miss having it so close! You can find all the local store deals on their convenient mobile app.
*All components are made of plant-based material certified compostable in
industrial composting facilities. Check locally, as these facilities may not be
available in your area. No current certification for backyard composting.
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