Welcome Baby Finn

Pregnancy, Birth & Babies

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I thought baby Finn’s one month birthday would be a good time to finally blog about his birth.  But, it was also his older brother Toby’s 6th birthday…so today little Finn is 1 month and 1 day 🙂  I still need to get some cute sleeping pics of him but here are some great birth shots.  I was lucky enough to have my little sister Nancy at the birth so she got lots of fun pictures.  I wish I would’ve assigned someone to do this at all my births!

In case you missed his stats, here they are:
Finn Patrick Wiscombe
June 1, 2013, 12:38 pm
6lbs 13 oz, 19 in

I’m one of those weird people who enjoys seeing the in-progress labor pictures.  I think it helps me to think back on it with perspective and realize how miraculous labor is.  It’s kinda hard to appreciate it when you’re in the middle of it all.  Can’t imagine why 🙂DSC_0005
The birth story goes a little something like this…
At 41 weeks 5 days, I decided I was done being pregnant and wanted to take castor oil.  I’m always telling pregnant moms to be patient with their babies and let them go into labor on their own but I was mighty impatient myself this time.  Not sure why, but I did know that if I made it to 42 weeks we were gonna have to have a talk about whether or not my midwife could continue to see me.  AZ statute says that “overdue” moms are out of a midwife’s scope of practice. That might mean a homebirth would be out of the plan and I’d have to change everything.  So glad he came when he did!

My midwife gave me permission to take castor oil Saturday morning so at 8:30am I took 4 oz of it (the whole bottle!) in a milkshake.  I started having cramping (um, as in the bathroom variety.  Castor oil is a laxative which means it “stimulates” the bowels which in turn stimulates the uterus.  I think you can all deduce what kind of side effects this stuff produces) and was slightly uncomfortable all morning.  At 11:30 I was laying on the couch talking to my sister (Luke was running errands) and my water broke.  That’s the first time it’s ever broken without me being in full-blown intense labor.  I went upstairs and Nan called my mom and Luke.  By noon the contractions were intense and luckily my midwife showed up not long after.  We emptied the hot water heater into the tub and it was still only half full…I hopped in anyway cause I needed some pain relief.  30 minutes later my contractions turned into the pushing kind, and he came out just a few minutes later.  By FAR my fastest labor (1 hour!) but that’s probably because of all the maddening practice labor i had during the previous few weeks.
Fast and dirty…that’s how we roll over here 😉


Let me tell you, if you haven’t actually caught one of your own babies, I highly recommend it.  Super cool experience.  The first pic is me unwinding his cord and the second is me finding out the gender of the baby!
Favorite shot ever.
Don’t you wonder what is running through little newborn baby heads at birth?  Something like “It’s bright and loud and cold and scary out here.  Hold me, mom!”
P.S. I love newborn pouty lips!
See?!  I was smiling just moments later!  Can’t have been that bad, right??
What a precious little munchkin.DSC_0039
Love how he’s already got a hold of my sports bra 🙂
Daddy/Baby pics are THE best.

I realized that Baby Finn is special lots of ways.

He is the…
1st baby we didn’t find out the gender of until birth.
2nd baby born at home.
3rd boy in the family.
4th birth with no drugs or medical interventions.
5th VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean).
6th sweet baby to come to our home.

We just love him!!!

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  • Reply
    Nancy Dyson
    July 3, 2013 at 12:08 am

    Somehow it all looks much less painful than it seemed at the time!


  • Reply
    July 3, 2013 at 6:19 am

    Oh I love, love, LOVE all the pictures of labor and delivery!!! I had no idea that you just deliver your own baby (when you have a midwife), without a bunch of sterile scrubbed up people down there in your business. Maybe I should try a home birth. The hot tub seems nice too. I’ve never had a tub in my hospital rooms. Anyway, I love the pictures, though it doesn’t seem right that you look so pretty in them.

  • Reply
    July 8, 2013 at 9:29 pm

    Thank you for sharing this Bonnie! The pictures are awesome. I feel like a guest in the room. Props to your sister for catching some amazing moments, they really tell the story (downplaying the pain part, right?) You’re one tough cookie and you looked adorable (for lack of the right adjective) in them too.

    • Reply
      August 12, 2015 at 8:40 pm

      Aww! What a true friend, saying such kind things about chubby woman in her less-than-finer moments. Love you, girl!

  • Reply
    August 12, 2015 at 5:33 pm

    I found you today, and feel like I’ve found a long lost sister! I’m posting on this post because I love it. (I had all 7 of my babies in water, at home, with midwives. Told you we were long lost sisters!) I think I already follow you on Instagram, but look forward to following you here on your blog.

    • Reply
      August 12, 2015 at 8:39 pm

      Yessss!! Hooray! I love finding fellow homebirthers! Makes me feel a little less alone when I talk about my “weird” birthing plans – haha! Sometimes I just can’t stop talking about it 🙂 So glad you commented, Audrey!

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    Birth Story of Baby #10 • Bonnie and Blithe
    June 30, 2021 at 3:26 pm

    […] as much as I do. Each of them has been so different! (Find them here: Vivian & Kira (#4&5), Finn (#6), Marilyn (#7), Alice (#8), and Dean […]

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