Birth can seem overwhelming, painful and sometimes scary, but it’s so much more than that! We moms get to bring new human beings into the world, fresh from heaven, and it can be an amazing, spiritual journey. Here are some tips for making the most of welcoming your new baby!
Baby Finn, just minutes old. Also, my cleavage.
I’m super thrilled to share a book review as a part of the Virtual Book Tour for The Gift of Giving Life! I virtually befriended one of the authors a couple of years ago and I am so grateful to have found this incredible resource for mothers and mothers-to-be. It’s written by women who are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (some of us Mormons :), but any woman of faith will appreciate the revelations contained within. I believe that this book’s potential to transform our ideas and conceptions about birth is unimaginable!
First off, this book is HUGE, over 500 pages! It’s organized by well-written and touching essays on an array of topics concerning birth and motherhood: from infertility to homebirth to the heartbreak of loss. Besides these amazing essays, it’s chock full of birth stories that will leave you in awe and in tears (good ones!). If I had all the money in the world, I would buy a copy of this book for every mother and woman I know.
Here I am 41 weeks pregnant with Finn. Did I mention he’s 11 MONTHS today? (wha??!)
It’s evident that the birthing community talks a lot about being physically and emotionally prepared for a baby. Carrying and nurturing a baby inside of you and then delivering that baby takes a toll on every woman’s body and emotions.
But rarely do we hear that we ought to prepare spiritually or even that birth can be a spiritual event! This is part of why I’m so passionate about women being informed before birth and taking back some control over their birthing environments. We all recognize that witnessing someone pass from this life to the next can be profoundly moving and deeply spiritual. I believe that welcoming a new life into the world should be just as meaningful, and much more joyful!
I couldn’t possible be able to choose my favorite chapter or story in this book but I can say that The Gift of Giving Life completely changed the way that I see and process everything about motherhood. I know that the role of Mother is so important and so sacred, that every part of it has a spiritual aspect: making the decision to conceive, intimacy, pregnancy, labor and of course, the birth itself. (There’s also plenty to read for adoptive mothers, grandmothers and others!) As mothers, we are guardians of the gateway between heaven and earth.
We have been given both the power and the inclination to create life, with husbands and God as our partners. We can come to know the special connection mothers have with Jesus Christ as we give a portion of our bodies and our blood to bring new life into this world. If we could communicate the importance and sanctity of these truths to the next generation, we could undoubtedly change the world.
Wanna read more about birth? Check out my series on birth HERE!
Thanks for reading my review and be sure to visit the Gift of Giving Life Virtual Book Tour page for a chance to win some great baby-related prizes!
Now go buy a couple copies of the book on amazon to give any new moms in your life. It’s my favorite baby shower gift!
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The Epidural: Making an Informed Decision
March 27, 2015 at 7:41 am[…] want to read more about how birth can (and in my opinion, should) be a spiritual experience, read THIS post. It includes a great book recommendation, […]