Corner Nursery

Pregnancy, Birth & Babies

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Expecting a new baby but low on space?? Just a tiny corner is enough for a nursery in a master bedroom! Anyone can make a space for baby since they certainly don’t need much at the start. Read on for how we make it work!

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small corner nursery in master

Everyone wants the perfect start for their new baby, but not all of us have a gorgeous, perfectly decorated spare bedroom to dedicate to a tiny infant. Don’t let that make you feel bad for one second!

First of all, new babies don’t NEED space. In fact, they need their mama more than anything! So planning to keep your baby close to you for the first few weeks or months of life is usually the best for everyone.

And even after that, we’ve managed to carve out space for an older baby in walk-in closets and even bathrooms so that they can get a quiet, dark place to sleep undisturbed and I don’t have to stress about the lack of a spare bedroom (spoiler alert: with 8 other kids around, we don’t have one!).

I put together this SUPER simple and bare basic corner nursery for our upcoming arrival so that he can sleep close to me and we can keep all other baby essentials close at hand.

**Side note: if you’re expecting a baby, you’ve GOT to check out the New Mama Gift box I curated just for the postpartum period! After many, many babies, I’ve learned exactly what each new mom needs to take amazing care of herself after birth. Grab one here!


We inherited this Chicco bassinet from my sister-in-law after her baby outgrew it and I’m SO excited to use it! First of all it’s roomy enough that I plan on keeping baby in it until he can pull himself up. Second, the bottom hangs free from the legs so I can even rock baby in it by pushing the bottom with my foot while I rest comfortably in bed 🙂 #lazinessFTW

It’s also got a washable cover on the bottom of the inside and a hood with cute little birds hanging from it! The sides are made of mesh so there’s no concern about baby overheating or suffocating either.

corner nursery

Clothes & Blankets

Underneath the bassinet, I bought two cute and sturdy baskets to store enough clothes to get baby through his first 6 months, as well as extra blankets. I love having all these supplies close at hand, while being hidden away and keeping things looking nice if anyone peeks in.

Check out my post on my favorite places to buy baby clothes!

Diapers, Wipes & Extra Stuff

Because I have other small children (who like to get into messy stuff like diaper cream and smear it all over my carpet and walls) I always have a place to store baby supplies that’s out of reach of small hands!

This simple shelf is perfect for hanging above the bassinet and storing diapers, wipes, bum cream, nipple cream, pacifiers and more! Basically anything that I don’t want other littles to get their hands on goes up here. Plus, it looks pretty cute with a little picture frame and stuffed animal perched up there!

nursery in master bedroom

Obviously you can make this little corner as fancy and decorated or as plain and simple as you like! Wallpapering or painting an accent wall behind this little bassinet would be another great way to carve out the perfect nursery in your master bedroom!

So I’d love to know: have you always had a spare room for a nursery at your house? Or did you put babies in your room for a while?

And if you’re expecting and looking for THE perfect online prenatal course, check out my friend Hilary’s from Pulling Curls. She’s worked as a labor and delivery nurse for years and knows her stuff!

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  • Reply
    Morgan Barclay
    May 16, 2022 at 5:25 pm

    Thanks so much for this post! I’m on baby number 3 and if my husband would let me I’d have as many kids as we can. We’re in a small rental for now (the perk is it sits on 5 acre. You can’t really beat that) and I’ve been looking for inspiration for the baby Corning in my bedroom. This was perfect!

    • Reply
      May 16, 2022 at 5:31 pm

      Congrats! Glad it was helpful. We’re finding that we really don’t need as much space as we thought for a large family! (and 5 acres is amazing)

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