Summer is an insane time for our family: we celebrate SEVEN birthdays (that’s right – everyone except me and Marilyn have birthdays in June and July. We’re super good at this family planning thing.) This year we needed to plan Toby’s baptism (more about that here) plus Marilyn’s baby blessing around lots of traveling that Luke and his dad do in the summer as well as my Dad’s visits to the valley since he’s currently working out of state. Whew! I get tired just typing that!
We managed to get everyone all together and cram it all in. It was a rip roaring time with lots of family and food (and goofing off, apparently).
Marilyn was totally chill, as usual. She’s so chubby now that it’s like she’s got this layer of insulation from everything and nothing phases her. ha! She wore this stinking cute dress handmade by my college roommate from freshman year. Carol, you’re a genius! Everyone loved it.
I mean, can you even handle this??!
And a classic, real-life family picture: crazy, sweaty, surly faces and all. (Marilyn’s look is pretty typical. Something like “Why is everyone always so LOUD??”)
The only other noteworthy news from our other birthdays this month is that Liam talked Luke into buying a pet snake. Yeah. And it’s already gotten loose TWICE. Please pray for my sanity. Or maybe you should pray for the snake 😉
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